Transpower Outage – Business Impact

Thursday 4 July, 2024

Help Us Assess Interest in a Class Action for Widescale Power Outage Damages In light of the recent widescale power outage, we understand that many businesses have experienced significant disruptions and financial losses. As a leading law firm committed to protecting the interests of Northland businesses, we are exploring the possibility of initiating a class […]

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Trust Compliance

Wednesday 22 July, 2020

The Trust Act 2019 comes into force on 30 January 2021. This legislation is the first overhaul of trust law in over six decades.   This legislation will apply to a majority of existing trusts and also any newly formed trusts. Current trusts will have 18 months to ensure they are compliant with the new Act. […]

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Wills and EPOAs

Wednesday 8 April, 2020

With New Zealand currently experiencing our first pandemic in lock-down, COVID-19 is a serious reminder to all as to why it is crucial to ensure you have your affairs in order for the unknown.   Asset planning, Wills and Enduring Powers of Attorney (“EPOA”) are essential tools to ensure that you and your family are […]

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Lockdown Offer to Arbitrate Commercial Rent Abatement Disputes

MWIS Lawyers’ Associate – Juliet Golightly – is a Fellow of the Arbitrators’ and Mediators’ Institute of New Zealand (FAMINZ (Arb)) fellowship, being the highest credentialed status for arbitrators within the institute. She is also a senior commercial lawyer and litigator, experienced in the area of commercial lease disputes.   Juliet is well placed to […]

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Covid-19 – A Message from MWIS

Monday 23 March, 2020

We are in the midst of challenging and extraordinary times given the COVID-19 situation. The Partners and staff of Marsden Woods Inskip Smith are conscious of ensuring that all our clients, their businesses and family are safe and supported. Our office at 122 Bank Street will be closed 4pm Wednesday in accordance with the Government […]

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First Home Buyers – Where to start.

Sunday 8 March, 2020

Buying your first home can be daunting.   There is so much information to take in and so many people you need to talk to. Your legal provider is an invaluable resource to help you with all things related to the process.  Often, legal professionals are not engaged until after people have signed a Sale and […]

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Monday 16 December, 2019

Subdivisions are becoming more and more popular. People are choosing subdivision as a way for them to reduce their debt or generate income.

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