Wills and EPOAs
Wednesday 8 April, 2020
With New Zealand currently experiencing our first pandemic in lock-down, COVID-19 is a serious reminder to all as to why it is crucial to ensure you have your affairs in order for the unknown.
Asset planning, Wills and Enduring Powers of Attorney (“EPOA”) are essential tools to ensure that you and your family are prepared for the future. We encourage everyone to use this period to make a Will, update existing Wills and consider EPOAs.
Although this may appear to be overwhelming and complex, MWIS have a highly experienced team that can assist with the process. MWIS place an emphasis on producing quality work and achieving the best results for our clients.
How We Can Assist Remotely
New Zealand is currently at Alert Level 4 and the government has placed a prohibition on physical meetings to ensure the health and safety of the public. Although our office may be closed during this time, a number of MWIS staff are working remotely and assisting our clients as much as possible.
We are able to attend meetings and provide assistance to you via video conferencing or over the telephone and electronically.
Wills and EPOAs
The priority for MWIS is to ensure that we obtain clear and solid instructions from you so that your intentions for your Will and EPOAs are recorded. Once we have obtained instructions, we can then draft your Will and EPOAs accordingly and send it to you electronically for your consideration.
We understand that some of our clients and members of the public may not have access to computers and therefore electronic correspondence is not practical. In such cases, we can conduct the process by way of obtaining instructions over the telephone, recording such instructions and then reading out the drafted document over the phone or posting them.
Once you are satisfied with the drafted document and its contents, we can make arrangements for signing by way of audio-visual technology OR your Will or EPOA will be ready for signing once the government announces that the lockdown has been lifted.
We are here to assist you in your legal matters during these uncertain times and our goal is to ensure the process works for you and ensure that your Will and EPOA is valid.
To make any enquiries about Wills and EPOAs, please contact us on info@mwis.co.nz.