Covid-19 – A Message from MWIS

Monday 23 March, 2020 Covid-19 – A Message from MWIS

We are in the midst of challenging and extraordinary times given the COVID-19 situation. The Partners and staff of Marsden Woods Inskip Smith are conscious of ensuring that all our clients, their businesses and family are safe and supported.

Our office at 122 Bank Street will be closed 4pm Wednesday in accordance with the Government direction.

Fortunately, MWIS have robust IT systems and tools and are able to provide the majority of our services remotely.

We will still have the ability to facilitate client instructions and appointments by telephone or by a Zoom meeting.

Many MWIS employees will be working remotely from home in the coming month.  They will have full access to email and are on cell phone. If there is anything urgent then please go to for further contact details .

We have activated our business continuity planning and we will continue to be able to provide legal services to you although it will be in a remote environment.

We appreciate many clients will have questions and we encourage you to contact us via phone or email. We appreciate all of New Zealand face challenging times and we are here to help.

Stay safe.